Supporting Friends with Cancer

Small Acts of Kindness That Make a Big Difference

Have you ever wondered what’s something you can do this very day for supporting friends with cancer?

Life’s journey is filled with twists and turns, some leading to the most unexpected destinations. In my own voyage, I’ve been navigating the challenging terrain of cancer, transforming from a new patient in 2017 into a cancer coach and thriver. It’s a journey that has given me invaluable insights, insights I hope can give you a better perspective into how you can help your friend with cancer.

Recently, I was on my way home from another oncology appointment, a reminder of the journey I’ve traveled and the countless individuals out there who are facing a similar path. It made me reflect on a simple yet profoundly impactful way you can support a friend with cancer, a way that embodies the essence of kindness and love.

You don’t have to organize grand fundraisers or orchestrate extravagant gestures. Sometimes, it’s the simplest acts that carry the most profound meaning.

Imagine What this Feels Like as a Cancer Patient

Imagine this: your friend with cancer, in the midst of their medical appointments, treatments, and the whirlwind of emotions that accompany a diagnosis, receives a notification. It’s a Venmo, a PayPal transfer, or a gift card for gas. It may not seem like much, but this small act of kindness can be a lifeline for your loved one. In a world where financial burdens often compound the emotional weight of a cancer diagnosis, offering a bit of gas money can make a difference.

The Game Changing Simple Act of Kindness

Here are some reasons why a small, simple gesture like this can be a game-changer for someone dealing with cancer at any place along there journey (remember patients have all kinds of follow-ups and medical tests for years after the initial diagnosis):

Relief from Financial Stress: The financial strain of cancer can be overwhelming. There are so many costs associated with dealing with the disease. Medical bills, medications, supplements, consultations, changing diets, supportive supplies, tests and scans, and the costs of travel to and from treatment centers can add up quickly and can compound over the years following the diagnosis. The common misunderstanding is that all of this is covered by insurance in America. It is not. Your simple act of providing gas money offers immediate relief and reduces a significant burden.

Emotional Support: It’s not just about the money; it’s about showing your friend with cancer that you care. Receiving gas money is a tangible reminder they are not alone on this journey. It provides emotional support by acknowledging you recognize it takes more than insurance money to make the cancer appointments a reality. This awareness helps your loved one feel valued and more understood.

Flexibility and Autonomy: Unlike fundraisers or donations to a charity, this act of kindness puts the power back into the hands of the person with cancer. They can use the money in a way that suits their needs, whether it’s for gas, a favorite meal, or any other pressing expense. It’s about giving them autonomy over their life during a time when they might feel powerless. Plus, many of the cancer organizations that raise awareness support, especially during Pinktober (Breast Cancer Awareness Month) don’t really trickle the money down to the patient. This is a way that is directly supporting friends with cancer.

No Need to Wait: The beauty of this act is that you don’t have to wait for a specific event or occasion to send some financial love. You can do it at any time, spontaneously, when you know your friend could use a helping hand. You’re not dependent on a fundraising campaign or a specific request. Your generosity in an unexpected time can be so life-giving to your friend.

A Symbol of Hope: In a journey filled with uncertainties, every gesture of love is a beacon of hope. It’s a reminder to your friend that there’s light at the end of the tunnel and that they are surrounded by a community that cares. Those sparks of hope during cancer can bring moments of much needed peace.

Actions for Supporting Friends with Cancer

  1. Reach Out: Communicate with your friend regularly. Let them know that you’re there for them and that you are hoping to help lighten their challenges. Be empathetic and open to their needs, but don’t expect them to do the work of figuring out the ways you can help them (that puts the burden right back on them).
  2. Be Spontaneous: You don’t have to wait for a special occasion. When you sense that your friend could use some financial support, whether it’s for gas or another immediate need, go ahead and surprise them with your kindness.
  3. Choose Your Method: Venmo, PayPal, or a physical gift card – choose the method that suits both you and your friend. These digital platforms make it easy to transfer funds quickly and securely.
  4. Personalize the Message: When sending your gift, accompany it with a heartfelt message. Let your friend know that this is a token of your love and support, and that you’re there for them on this journey. If you need help figuring out what to say, grab my free template here.
  5. Respect Their Privacy: While your intention is to help, remember that some individuals might feel sensitive about their financial situation. Be discreet and respectful of their privacy. Some people don’t share their diagnosis publicly. Follow their lead.
  6. Encourage Others: Share your idea with your network. Let them know how much of a difference a small act of kindness can make. Encourage others to join in supporting their friends with cancer in this simple way. You don’t have to brag about what you did, but you can share your idea of quick, simple, direct donations to your loved one with cancer.

The Power of Kindness is Immeasurable

The impact of cancer reaches far beyond the individual patient, affecting their loved ones and their community. It’s easy to underestimate how even small acts of kindness directed toward a patient can have a profound ripple effect of love and empathy.

The power of kindness is immeasurable, and even the smallest act can change a life. Let’s spread love and positivity by offering a bit of gas money to our friends with cancer. It’s the simple acts of compassion that make the world a better place.

This journey is challenging, but we can navigate it together, one act of kindness at a time.

Click here for more insights into helping your friend with cancer.

Cancer Coach Jenny Bradley pictured with lots of book recommendations for cancer patients
Meet Jenny Bradley
Your Cancer Coach & Culinary Nutrition Expert

Jenny Bradley has been thriving with cancer since her diagnosis in 2017. She is passionate about guiding fellow cancer patients into more peace and less overwhelm during their cancer journey through her coaching and courses. She is a Certified Holistic Cancer Coach, a Certified Culinary Nutrition Expert, and a Licensed Pastor. Jenny lives in the middle of the USA with her husband, Mike, and their cute little dog named Poppy.

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