We have a variety of courses covering everything you need to become more empowered and equipped for a cancer journey. Courses include: Cancer Thriver MEALS, The Fundraising Framework, The Confident Cancer Thriver Society, and even Helping Your Friend with Cancer.
When you do a 1-on-1 call with Jenny, you get personalized support, evidence-based anticancer strategies, and custom curated resources to help you thrive through the healing journey. On the call you will personally discuss anticancer nutrition & lifestyle, the thriver mindset, integrative & complementary therapies, clinics, and doctors, and other topics important to you.
Jenny Bradley has been thriving with cancer since her diagnosis in 2017. She is passionate about guiding fellow cancer patients into more peace and less overwhelm during their cancer journey through her coaching and courses. She is a Certified Holistic Cancer Coach, a Certified Culinary Nutrition Expert, and a Licensed Pastor. Jenny lives in the middle of the USA with her husband, Mike, and their cute little dog named Poppy.
A Masterclass on How to Make Anticancer Nourishment at Home
A Cancer Thriver’s Guide to Raising Support for Treatments
How to Help Your Loved One in a Health Crisis
What should you say to someone who has been diagnosed with cancer? You want to send them a note, text, or card to let them know you are thinking about them, but you don’t want to say the wrong thing to a cancer patient.
The struggle is real. But there is a quick and easy way to sharing loving words to your friend with cancer.
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