Here are some of my resources to Help YOU Support your friend going through his/her health crisis.
For over five years, I have gotten message after message asking for help on what conversations are appropriate to have with your friend who has cancer.
It can feel like a sticky situation where you WANT to be a SUPPORT to your friend, but you also don’t want to SAY the WRONG thing. So, you end up either putting your foot in your mouth or not saying anything at all. I’ve experienced all sides of that equation.
These quick videos are for you if you’ve been wanting the insider knowledge directly from a cancer thriver (me – Jenny) on what topics are appropriate to discuss and what phrases are best to stay away from!
This bonus workshop is designed to help you quickly learn and navigate those tougher moments by giving you specifics to look for and explicit sentences to avoid. What Not to Say to Someone with Cancer is delivered through a downloadable PDF you can print and refer to and several videos explaining the Circle of Intimacy, Conversation Cues, and the No Worry List.
When you get this minicourse, inside the Helping Your Friend with Cancer guide, you won’t have to worry any more about saying the wrong thing and putting a hurtful statement between you and your friend while he/she is going through this life changing health crisis.
Use the button below to get the guide and immediately get started on knowing how to navigate these discussions!
What should you say to someone who has been diagnosed with cancer? You want to send them a note, text, or card to let them know you are thinking about them, but you don’t want to say the wrong thing to a cancer patient.
The struggle is real. But there is a quick and easy way to sharing loving words to your friend with cancer.
Grab this FREE download that gives you three different templates of examples of what to say to someone with cancer (or a health crisis) as well as three different graphic designs of stationary you can print, write your note on, and send to your loved one with cancer.
Have you ever wondered “what can I do to help my friend with cancer“? As someone who’s been LIVING with CANCER for 4+ years, I have some IDEAS for you!
Hi! My name is J E N N Y & I share my holistic cancer journey & ideas on Instagram @shrinkthemutant and to equip & empower you to CONFIDENTLY SUPPORT YOUR FRIEND with cancer.
INSIDE SCOOP: One of the most frequent questions I receive is “how do I help my friend with cancer”, I figured you might be interested, too.
Whether you live in proximity or not to your pal, YOU CAN BE A BLESSING. You don’t have to do something big; LITTLE things can have a BIG IMPACT.
The KEY is to BE SPECIFIC and make a SUGGESTION of the tangible TASK you can commit to doing.
Offer doing the task on a SPECIFIC DAY(s)
Suggest a SPECIFIC TIMEFRAME and ASK if that idea works for your friend.
This is just a small sample of what I’m sharing in my Guide for people helping their friends during a chronic disease like cancer. The HELPING YOUR FRIEND WITH CANCER guide will TAKE AWAY THE GUESSWORK from wondering what is helpful by giving you specific actions you can take to tangibly help your friend right away. No more worrying if what you are doing is beneficial.
Helping Your Friend with Cancer guide includes: 50 In Depth Ideas of ways to help your friend, Do’s & Don’ts Details, Top Keys Training, 6 Video Lessons, a Take Action Power Sheet, and a 22 page downloadable PDF.
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