5 Must Haves for DIEP Flap Surgery Recovery

Here’s the TOP 5 Must Haves for DIEP Flap Surgery Recovery as a breast cancer patient that makes it a bit easier and more comfortable in the weeks following surgery

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Want to chat 1-on-1 with me about the DIEP flap experience?

It can be reassuring to talk to someone like me who has actually gone through the procedure. I’m a fan of being real. We can talk about preparing your space before your surgery, dealing with ICU and what to bring to the hospital, what to expect as a patient who’s actually gone through it and worked hard to support my body using nutrition and supplements as well as using the “best of both worlds” with the surgeon’s recommendations and RX.

You are welcome to read up on all the blogs I make about it here on my site and look behind the scenes on my instagram story highlight called “surgeries”. And still there’s nothing like talking in real-time one-on-one about your actual questions and thought process. I have some 1-on-1 spots reserved each month just for this! Go to my coaching page here, fill out your name & email address on the bottom of that page and click submit. It will then automatically send you a quick email to reply to and we’ll get a time to talk set up from there.

These are my own recommendations based on my experience having several procedures and DIEP flap surgery as a breast cancer patient. This post contains affiliate links from Amazon. This means I may earn a commission should you chose to make a purchase using my link. Any commissions I earn from my work, time, energy, and effort spent on Shrink the Mutant go back to paying for the resources needed to keep this running or to my on-going medical treatment. Thank you for your thoughtful consideration and support of my work.

Cancer Coach Jenny Bradley pictured with lots of book recommendations for cancer patients
Meet Jenny Bradley
Your Cancer Coach & Culinary Nutrition Expert

Jenny Bradley has been thriving with cancer since her diagnosis in 2017. She is passionate about guiding fellow cancer patients into more peace and less overwhelm during their cancer journey through her coaching and courses. She is a Certified Holistic Cancer Coach, a Certified Culinary Nutrition Expert, and a Licensed Pastor. Jenny lives in the middle of the USA with her husband, Mike, and their cute little dog named Poppy.

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